04 March 2012

memories from a pot

Memories are evoked in a myriad of ways.  The smell of a campfire in the earlier morning; the sounds of the first spring peepers at dusk; the photographs of time gone by….  Sight, sounds, smells, all bring us back to a past time when we remember where we were, the friends that we shared those times with, and the feelings we experienced.

The other day, I found myself reminiscing….not using photographs or sounds- but pots.  Yes- pots.  I started walking through my house taking note of all those pots that I have acquired over these past seven years and it brought to mind some wonderful times. Take a trip with me these next few entries as I take a trip down memory lane:

My first pot:  Wow- I can't believe I showing this photo!!  It’s my Hershey Kiss candy dish!  It fits just one!  I remember the first day of class, my first touch of the clay beneath my fingers, the smell of the musty clay as it came out of the bag.  But what I remember most are the friendship that I made-  some of the best and fulfilling in my life.  And I am happy to say that many are still in my life today.

My first wood-firing with Susan Beecher:  Here I learned the true meaning of blood, sweat, and tears.  I learned the power of energy and fire, and the wonderful camaraderie that is born out of having a shared goal.  Here, I also learned the power of laughter and music.  In the wee hours of the morning when the fire continues to burn, but your own internal fire is starting to wane- laughter and music can pull you through.  These are some of my most cherished pots, memories, and friends.

My first workshop: Here I listened to what I consider a technical artist- Todd Piker.  An artist that has a strong and fervent philosophy about pottery, process, and craft, he is precise and measured, yet his pots have movement and life. The trip to Vermont with my mother was a wonderful weekend.  I was so nervous taking a workshop as I really didn’t have a clue.  But this experience was one that will never be forgotten.  And I now realize that you must absorb yourself in pots and the work of others to truly learn about craft and technique. 

Stay tuned for more pots and more memories….

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I feel this way looking back at past pots as well. I hope to have even more pleasant memories, like yours :)
